2024 | 5785 | תשפ״ה
No ticket needed for our High Holiday services. However, if you are new to Or HaOlam, please make a reservation by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as seating is limited. Please give your name and the specific service dates you are wanting to attend and how many will be with you. You will receive an acknowledgment of your reservation.
All High Holiday events will be livestreamed, with high quality audio/video. May you experience the Presence of HaShem in 5785!
- Oct. 2, Wednesday, 7 pm, Erev Rosh HaShanah* ערב ראש השנה
(apples and honey served outdoors only) - Oct. 3, Thursday, 11 am, Rosh HaShanah day* ראש השנה **
(bring and share meal to follow) - Oct. 5, Shabbat, 10 am, Shabbat Shuvah שבת שובה **
(bring and share meal to follow) - Oct. 11, Friday, 7 pm, Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre* כל נדרי
- Oct. 12, Shabbat, 10 am, Yom Kippur day* יום כיפור
- Oct. 12, Saturday, 6:30 pm, Neilah נעילה **
(break the fast after sunset with an outdoor picnic and barbeque) - Oct. 17, Thursday, 11 am, Sukkot at the Sukkah סכות **
(with an outdoor bring and share meal to follow) - Oct. 19, Shabbat, 10 am: Messiah's Birthday at the Sukkah המשיח הולדת יום, **
(bring and share meal to follow) - Oct. 24, Thursday, 11 am: Shemini Atzeret עצרת שמיני, Hoshanna Rabba הושענא רבה, Simkhat Torah שמחת תורה (indoors) **
(bring and share meal to follow)
For more information, explanation, and Bible references on the Jewish holidays, please click here.