Worship and Torah Service:
Saturdays @ 10:00 am
9898 West 95th Street
Overland Park, Kansas
Click for Directions
For prayer or inquiries please call 913-383-8448
Saturday Mornings at 10 am: View our livestream by clicking here.
To see past livestreams click here.
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Enjoy a traditional Passover Seder meal with us, conducted according to traditions followed since the redemption of our Jewish people from Egypt in the time of Moshe (Moses).
Worship and rejoice as we celebrate our spiritual redemption through the Messiah, our Passover lamb. Expect about 90 minutes of Biblical rituals, teaching, blessings, and singing followed by a full course delicious dinner with ritual Seder plate. After dinner, we will enjoy additional worship and praise.
Notice to Parents of small children: this is a 4-hour event
• Tickets are required for admission.
• Your phone is your ticket: Please save the QR Code on your phone which you will receive after purchasing your ticket so that it is visible for scanning upon entry to this event.
• QR Code Tickets are required for admission and will be scanned at the door.
• You will receive a wristband, after your QR Code has been scanned.
• There will be open seating so you get to choose your own seats. Please self-reserve your seats upon arrival by writing your name on the blank place cards at your table setting.
• Seating is limited.
• Deadline for purchasing tickets is Midnight, April 8, 2025. All sales are final after this time.
Click Here to Get Your Tickets!
Purim Celebration Sunday, Mar. 16, 2025, 2:00-7:00 p.m.
A time to celebrate victory over the recurring enemies of Israel. As Moshe wrote [Shmot/Exodus 17.15-16] Moshe built an altar, called it Adonai Nissi [Adonai is my banner/miracle], and said, “Because their hand was against the throne of Adonai, Adonai will fight ‘Amalek generation after generation.”
Amalek represents those with unmitigated hatred and passion to destroy Israel. The Jewish people have nevertheless survived, and won against strong enemies. But, the enemies seem to morph into a different form and return to attack even to this day. With the help of G-d, the Jews will have military and spiritual victory!
We will celebrate the victory in advance, and dress up in a Purim costume! Be a Queen Esther, King Akhashverosh, Mordekhi, or a Darth Vader look-a-like! Great games and prizes. Bring your kids, grandkids, and neighbor kids to join the fun. Enter the Chili contest to win a prize! And don’t forget the Hamantaschen! (See recipes and scroll down to Purim Recipes). Don’t have time to bake? No hassle, just pick some up from Whole Foods/Trader Joe’s or your favorite store. You can even order them on the Internet! (But don't wait.)
2:00-3:45 pm: Carnival for kids
3:00 p.m : Deadline for submitting Chili for the contest
3:30 p.m: Chili judging (kitchen closed for judging)
3:45-4:50 p.m.: Costume parade, Costume judging, Purim presentation
4:50 pm: Winners announced for Costume and Chili Contestants
5:00 pm: Time for All to Eat what You Have Brought to Share (Hamantaschen? Chili? Suggestions)
6-7 p.m. – To complete your party experience, everyone help cleanup to keep our home beautiful.
Annual Purim Chili Contest:
Cook your best chili recipe at home and bring it hot in a crock pot. Must be made fresh from scratch. Chili will be judged on aroma, appearance, texture, taste and aftertaste. Prize will be awarded for the winning entry. Contest Entry Form.
Or HaOlam teaches Jewish life in the Messiah of Israel. We are part of a world-wide movement of Jewish Congregations and people of all ethnic groups who follow Yeshua (Jesus) in the context of Jewish lifestyle and identity. We meet weekly every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Working to bring Jewish people, and those grafted in, to their covenantal identity in Messiah. Implies: 1.) Salvation through the Atonement of the Messiah; personal faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Yeshua; it's all about the King 2.) Covenantal identity of Jewish people, not replacement 3.) Restoration to Torah lifestyle 4.) Restoration/survival of the nation of Israel. (Covenantal identity, so Jewish believers don't assimilate. Romans 11:15 "For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? It will be life from the dead!)