Worship and Torah Service:

Saturdays @ 10:00 am
9898 West 95th Street
Overland Park, Kansas
Click for Directions

For prayer or inquiries please call 913-383-8448



Tithing is Scriptural. Malachi 3:10, "Bring the whole tenth [tithe] into the storehouse [i.e., your home congregation] so that there will be food in my house, and put Me to the test," says Adonai-Tzva'ot. "See if I won't open for you the floodgates of heaven and pour out for you a blessing far beyond your needs."

Or HaOlam is dependent on ADONI through the faithful and generous tithes and offerings of His people which underwrite the congregation’s ministry expenditures. Beyond the general funds received and dispersed for the operation of the congregation, we have created special funds for distinct and specific purposes. Donations of offerings beyond the 10% "tithes to the storehouse" (Malachi 3.10) may be designated for one of these three main funds for your donations, besides your tithe to Or HaOlam which goes into the General Fund.

1)  the Mortgage Retirement Fund;  2) the Benevolence Fund; and 3)  the Bless Israel Fund (B'resheet/Genesis 12:3) To contribute to one of these funds, please indicate so on the memo line of your check.  The funds are briefly described below.


1.)  If giving by check, please make check payable to Or HaOlam and place in the pushka (the offering box near the doorway of the sanctuary) when you come to service, or mail to: Or HaOlam, c/o Bookkeeper, P.O. Box 12503, Overland Park, Kansas 66282. 

2.)  You can also give your tithes/offerings through your Paypal account, and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

3.)  Or you can donate using Giving Fire.  Just click on the "Donate" button on this page and follow the instructions for donations.

4.) To give by phone please access https://orhaolam.givingfire.com

5.) Donation via text to Or HaOlam is now available through Giving Fire.  913-270-0646 is the contact number; then, for example, if you’re giving $100, type in Give 100.  If you’ve not donated through Giving Fire, you will get a reply to set up an account. That will be a permanent record until you go back in to make a change.

Note: The text default goes to Tithes. Text giving will NOT split electronic donations, that is, electronic donations to the Building Fund, Sunrise, Guest Speakers, Special Projects, or anything else through Giving Fire cannot be made by text, but can be made online at https://orhaolam.givingfire.com/.

Our treasurer or bookkeeper can change the text default when we have guest speakers, special events, etc. 

Scripture is clear that:
1.    We are not to be in debt.  Ro 13:8 "Owe no one anything except to love one another.
2.    Debt is slavery.  Prov. 22:7 "The borrower is slave to the lender."
3.    Debt is a curse!!  Dt. 28 "But if you refuse to pay attention to what ADONI your God says...then all the following curses will be yours in abundance...The foreigner living with you...will lend to you, but you will not lend to him, he will be the head and you the tail."

We have a wonderful building that we love to worship in.  However, the sanctuary is somewhat too small for our growth as is the oneg room, and youth room.  We also need a bigger kitchen to accommodate our growth and we need a few more classrooms.

If we are diligent to save up for a larger building rather than take a loan, it would easily allow future expansion, satisfy scripture, allow us to tithe to outside organizations, and in fact serve all our goals.

Since we've moved into this location, we've built a wonderful shed, acquired lawn machinery, remodeled the rooms, repaired the playground, ordered an elegant front logo, all for cash from the building fund.  It seems it's time to direct some resources to expansion or a larger building!


Or HaOlam, in keeping with its biblical and charitable goals, has established a Benevolence Fund to assist persons in our body and community who are in financial need. The intent is to minister to those in need both spiritually and financially by offering a “hand up” rather than a "hand out," coupling financial assistance with counseling and encouragement. Services provided include such critical needs as mortgage/rent assistance, utility payments, medical expenses, home/car repairs, food, gas and/or other special needs assistance. Disbursement of this Fund is handled by the Benevolence Committee that evaluates the appropriateness of providing financial assistance. All procedures are kept confidential.


The Bless Israel Fund distributes money to various ministries serving in the Land of Israel that are aligned with our vision of sharing the Good News with the people of Israel and/or providing charity for the needy. If you give directly to a charity that claims to help Israel there is a possibility that this charity will bring an anti-Messianic message to its recipients. We are familiar with many ministries in Israel and will select ones that we feel are well run and that will use your funds wisely and efficiently.


Gifts designated to any of the funds described above are all tax deductible, with the exception of a certain kind of donation to the Benevolence Fund – that is, one which has been further specifically designated for a particular individual or family, unless such designation is considered only a suggestion, and the donor agrees to deem such a suggestion as advisory rather than mandatory in nature. To clarify this delineation further: All gifts to the Benevolence Fund are gifts to the synagogue and while the Benevolence Committee may consider suggested designations for a particular recipient, in no event is it bound to follow them. Donors will not be permitted to recover a contribution because the committee failed to honor the donor’s recommendation. This is done in an effort to comply with IRS regulations which prohibit the deductibility of a Benevolence contribution earmarked to a specific person.

Exception to this policy of recommendation limitations will be made if a donor wishes to anonymously give to a specific individual through the Benevolence Fund. However, said gifts cannot be considered tax-deductible per IRS guidelines. Or HaOlam will honor such a prearranged designation, in essence acting as a pass-through of blessing, under the condition that the donor understands such a designated gift will not be included in the donor’s yearly contribution statement of charitable giving to Or HaOlam.

We are so appreciative of your sacrificial giving to the work of G-d here at Or HaOlam and pray that He will bless you mightily as you listen to His voice and walk in His ways.

Contact Bookkeeper.

Tithes and offerings can be given through the Donate button below or mailing checks to P.O. Box 12503, Overland Park, KS 66282.  

About Or HaOlam


Or HaOlam teaches Jewish life in the Messiah of Israel. We are part of a world-wide movement of Jewish Congregations and people of all ethnic groups who follow Yeshua (Jesus) in the context of Jewish lifestyle and identity. We meet weekly every Saturday morning at 10 am.


The Vision of Or HaOlam:

Working to bring Jewish people, and those grafted in, to their covenantal identity in Messiah.  Implies: 1.) Salvation through the Atonement of the Messiah; personal faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Yeshua; it's all about the King  2.) Covenantal identity of Jewish people, not replacement  3.) Restoration to Torah lifestyle  4.) Restoration/survival of the nation of Israel. (Covenantal identity, so Jewish believers don't assimilate.  Romans 11:15 "For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean?  It will be life from the dead!)

testimonial 2IAMCS

Or HaOlam Messianic Synagogue is an affiliate of the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations & Synagogues and a member of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America.     MJAA