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December 24, 2016 - Hanukkah 2016 Failed and successful intercession Reuven
December 17 2016 - Mtt. 15.01-20 Handwashing, not Kashrut
December 3, 2016 - Mtt. 14.23-32 Walking on Water-Impossible Survival
November 26, 2016 - Mtt. 14.15-21 Multiplication of food
November 12, 2016 - Mtt 14 13-14 Honor deceased Margins
November 5, 2016 - Mtt 14 01-04 Confront Government
October 15, 2016 - Exponential Power of Unity--Dt 32
October 10, 2016 - YK erev Kol Nidre 5777 Appeal of Kol Nidre
October 8, 2016 - Mtt. 13.47-50 Parable of the Net Shabbat Shuva
July 9 2016 - Mtt. 12.31-32 Blasphemy Ruakh
June 18 2016 - Mtt. 12.15-19 Not contentious Father's Day
June 4 2016 - Mtt. 12.09-14 Healing hatred
May 28 2016 - Mtt. 12.01-08 Son of Man and Shabbat
May 21 2016 - Mtt. 11.28-30 Yoke of Yeshua
February 27 2016 - Feb 27 16 Mtt. 10.34-36 Violent take it
February 20 2016 - Mtt. 10.32-33 Deny Me, be denied
February 13 2016 - Mtt. 10.28-30 Fear Not, Fear Judge
February 6 2016 - Guest Speaker
January 30 2016 - Mtt. 10.24-26 Sent Ones Maligned, March of Remembrance
January 23 2016 - Guest Speaker
January 16 2016 - Raleigh and Rachel Washington
January 9 2016 - Mtt. 10.16-20 Sheep Victorious Among Wolves