Shabbat Shalom
שבת שלום
February 08, 2025 | 10th of Sh'vat, 5785 | י׳ בִּשְׁבָט תשפ״ה
Today's Parasha: Beshalakh
- EXODUS 13:17-17:16 TORAH
Parasha for next Shabbat: Yitro
- EXODUS 18:1-20:23 TORAH
- ISAIAH 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6 PROPHETS
Teerosh תרש
Teerosh is a Hebrew acronym for prayer, dance and song. Please join us for Teerosh on Tuesday, 7 pm, in the sanctuary or via Zoom for an extended time of corporate worship, dance and intercession.
Super Bowl Party
Sunday, February 9. Super Bowl watch party will begin at 5 pm. Please bring food and drinks to share. And no, we won’t be watching the halftime show.
Jewish and Messianic Theological Library Liquidation
The HaKesher Library at Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue is being liquidated as part of their upcoming move. They will be selling thousands of duplicate books of biblical studies, Judaism and Jewish sources, New Testament studies, Jewish/Christian dialogue and more.
Final Day Sunday, February 9, 10 am-6 pm at 8512 Stearns St, Overland Park.
Men's Meeting: Sunday, February 16
Men’s meeting will be Sunday, February 16 here at the shul. It will begin with a free breakfast at 9 am and continue until noon. Fellowship, prayer and fun are part of the men’s meetings. We’ll discuss chapter 2, Above Reproach of the book The Measure of a Man: Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man by Gene A. Getz.
Guest Speaker: Shabbat, March 1
Our guest speaker will be Bob Mendelsohn with Yehudim for Yeshua (better known as Jews for Jesus). Bob grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in the Kansas City area. His search for meaning in life led him to salvation in Yeshua. It caused Bob trouble with his family, but he says “it was worth the cost.” He has worked for the organization since 1979. Bob has led their work in Washington DC, New York City and, most recently, served 25 years as the organization’s director in Australia and New Zealand. Currently his title is Australia Ambassador and, in that capacity, Bob splits his time among the Land Down Under, Nashville, Tennessee, and Kansas City area. He’s also the host of the podcast Bobs Your Uncle on Spotify (Yes, there is no apostrophe in “Bobs.”).
40 Days For Life
Or HaOlam’s day for 40 Days For Life will be Tuesday, March 11.
Service Production Tech Classes
Learn how to help in the booth with technical classes here at the shul.
- Sound: Sunday, February 23: 10 am
- ProPresenter: Sunday, March 2: 10 am
- Livestream: Sunday, April 6: 10 am
Purim at Or HaOlam
Purim party: Sunday, March 16, 2-7 pm … details to be announced but, in brief:
- carnival for children
- chili contest
- costumes: children and adults!
- Bring-and-share meal! Hamantaschen? Chili? Suggestions available here.
Or HaOlam Passover Seder 2025/5785
The Or HaOlam Passover Seder will be Wednesday, April 16 here at the shul. For instructions on how to purchase tickets, please pick up a flier from the literature table in the foyer.