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December 27, 2014 Mtt. 06.13 Temptation
December 20, 2014 Mtt 6.12 Forgiven as forgive
December 13, 2014 Hanukkah, Divine Deliverer
December 6, 2014 Kingdom, Daily Bread
November 29, 2014 Parasha 7 Veyetze
November 15, 2014 Messiah's Birthday, hidden life
November 8, 2014 Matit 6.1-4 Donations Secret
October 18, 2014 Simkhat Torah- Dance with the Word, and physics
October 04, 2014 YK 2014 5775 Day of Yaakov's Trouble- intercession
September 27, 2014 Shabbat Shuvah 5775 2014 Cold hearts
September 25, 2014 Rosh Hashanah
September 20, 2014 Guest Speaker
September 13, 2014 Yeshayahu-Is 60 Light instead of Dt 28 Curses
September 06, 2014 Daniel Vinocur Bar Mitzvah 2014 -History and Purpose
August 30, 2014 Dvarim 16 Justice Tsedek pursue
August 16, 2014 Dvarim Dt 7 Hate and Love
August 2, 2014 Dvarim Dt 1 Drudgery and Dreadfulness-failed entry and 40 years
July 26, 2014 Bamidbar-Nu 33 Destroy Canaanites, Death to self
July 12, 2014 Bamidbar Nu 27 Daughter of Tslof-khad favor-Israel and MJ
July 4, 2014 Shmot 3 barefoot before Holiness-rejoice in all for Messiah Conf 2014
June 28, 2014 Bamidbar-Nu 20 Faith in the Rock to suffer
June 21, 2014 BaMidbar-Nu 16 dealing with accusations
June 14, 2014 Bamidbar-Nu 13 The Power of Believing Lies--Father's Day
June 7, 2014 Bamidbar-Numbers 12 Following the Cloud, still complaining
May 31, 2014 Bamidbar-Nu 5 Accused wife and shame
May 24, 2014 Bamidbar 3 Five shekel upgrade in Priesthood
May 3, 2014 Vayikra 21 Tear clothes Glory Yeshua (Leviticus) 22:31-33
April 26, 2014 Vayikra 19 Mtt 18 offenses
April 19, 2014 Yom Bikkurim Lk 24 proph freedom
April 12, 2014 Vayikra-Lev 20 Marriages-2
April 5, 2014 Mt 5.10-12, Lev 14 Free as a Bird with blood
March 29, 2014 Mtt 5.9-Lev 12 Dedication of new life, Tribute to Hiatts
March 22, 2014 Vayikra- Lev10- Deadly and life giving spirituality- Ukraine crisis