Lo Kashish לא קשיש Presents: Havdalah Israeli Dance!
The next party will be Saturday, January 18, 7-9 pm.
Dancing together in community helps us to walk out our faith with one another; it's an expression of our joy in the L-rd. So, hop in the circle, and get your mayim on!
Yes, you will go out with joy,
you will be led forth in peace.
As you come, the mountains and hills
will burst out into song,
and all the trees in the countryside
will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
We are walking out a covenant G-d made with the people of Israel. As the song says, “Am Yisrael Chai!” the people of Israel live! This type of praise and worship involves numerous musical instruments, singing, Hebraic style music, psalms, lifting up of hands, chanting, clapping of hands, processions and is also characterized by great joy. So we dance in circles and lines, with hands united in love and brotherhood.