Events Calendar
Shakharit Prayer Service
Worship and Torah Service:
Saturdays @ 10:00 am
9898 West 95th Street
Overland Park, Kansas
Click for Directions
For prayer or inquiries please call 913-383-8448
Shakharit Prayer Service
Or HaOlam teaches Jewish life in the Messiah of Israel. We are part of a world-wide movement of Jewish Congregations and people of all ethnic groups who follow Yeshua (Jesus) in the context of Jewish lifestyle and identity. We meet weekly every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Working to bring Jewish people, and those grafted in, to their covenantal identity in Messiah. Implies: 1.) Salvation through the Atonement of the Messiah; personal faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Yeshua; it's all about the King 2.) Covenantal identity of Jewish people, not replacement 3.) Restoration to Torah lifestyle 4.) Restoration/survival of the nation of Israel. (Covenantal identity, so Jewish believers don't assimilate. Romans 11:15 "For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? It will be life from the dead!)